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I did Crossfit for one whole year and am here to bust your misconceptions

Crossfit gets a bad rap. Sure, some approach it as a pain-inducing workout meant to strip you down until you have nothing left to give. But to others it’s simply a great way of keeping a balanced body and mind.

In fact, I think there are three types of Crossfitters: the professional, do-this-as-a-job type Crossfitter who takes part in the multi-day extravaganza know as The Crossfit Games, the take-this-super-seriously everyday type Crossfitter, and the ones who do it to just get an amazing workout in just under an hour.

I fall into the latter.

I’ve been doing Crossfit for about a year and I am still alive to tell the tale, so it can’t be that bad! There are a ton of misconceptions when it comes to this workout craze, and I hope to help demystify some of them if you’re interested in getting started.

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